
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Signed, sealed, delivered

It is not easy to meet interesting people who push all the right buttons inside yourself. Well of course intriguing is pretty subjective both to the person in question and the situation. Sometimes you have either of the two, but i suppose without the other, it just wont suffice to touch you inside, nor ignite any deep-seated emotions within. Cant emphasize more on how nice it is move beneath the surface of a person and interact at a deeper level. Right sb? All hail long phone conversations! At times it is quite disappointing to build relationships that flowers, and stagnants thereafter. It's like getting all psyched up with a mystery scratch card. The enthusiasm fritters away the second you see "better time." Major bummer. In the perfect equation to things, if love sums up to reciprocity, then social niceties wouldnt be of utmost importance. Whats all that sugar-coating sans the substance of Sincerity? Sincerity sure does go a mile to create that connection. This sounds a tad bit rosy, but still,it is an ideal to work towards. Jadedness is not the way to go, it breeds bitterness and resentment, wreathes one's perception of the world like a coiling miasma. Maybe thats where the regular reclusive grouch started on his sobby journey to never-never land.

Well of course nobody goes around building camaderie with random strangers. That would be ridiculous. Sounds like emotional charity to me. It makes me wonder just how sincere all these interactions are. But i shall hold on fast to this assumption. Thinking anything off this tangent is going to lead to some negative thoughts, pretty sure about that. Somehow there is this nagging feeling within that starts me thinking if people build relationships because the situation calls for it, or is it because they want to. I don't know, but it is scary to think of the former cause it seems so cold and calculated and conditional. Like as though it is a means-end justification.Its quite mind boggling to have spurts of randomness hit at weird times as such. From who-knows where. And of course i'm certain this isnt a wacky bout of period drama, of the sorts. Fyi, those periodics don't come in this manner. For some strange reason, you can sort of detect its coming. It is just about as subtle as the proverbial pink elephant. Well i suppose the best thing that comes out of it is that you can get away with murder by resting blame on that. Females use it all the time ah? Like they seem to be perpetually struck by this prissy monster. As in literally, they put the "P-ost", and "P-re" in to the P-of-the-M-S. Oh may i add, during as well! But guys get duped all the time. Actually its not even half as uncontrollable as that. Am i selling out the females here? haha..Anyways, i digressed a terrible lot. There is of course little conclusion to draw from this soliloquay on blogspot. Well, except to self-reflect. Erm, self reflect on the former not that digression but of course.

Maybe just a reminder to self that nothing beats a sincere heart. Everybody can proclaim their love for the masses, and pay lip service to that. With that said, leave the endless chatter to the monkeys, we will speak subtly from the heart. A little less conversation a little more action please. Well, maybe we could like toss some random bananas here there. Actions speak..remember? heh..

With heartfelt love, not to the random masses,
but to you, my friend.
Signed, sealed, delivered.


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