
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Glad :D

Weekends are pretty indulgent, as it allows for time to do the sweetest things that the weekdays will forbid. A long talk with the best friend was really good. In depth conversation is what constitutes a proper relationship, a proper knowing. With trust as the equation, and Him as the centre, it just makes the friendship much more resilient. Its not easy to get there though. To talk freely, would mean ripping off those self-styled facades. It's more nude than nudity. Presses all the right buttons, caused some stirrings, hmmm… somewhere towards the left. The heart that is. Haha..dirty thoughts don’t make you a better person. ;)

It’s nothing new actually, just a newfangled spin on an oldfangled topic. The root of existence, the well of happiness, the blight of sadness, the sucky nature of gainful/painful employment, the importance of being earnest, the abundant Love. What I adore about her is her innocence and the free-spirited loving. I don’t see truthfulness to such degree. And that gentleness, may I add? There’s so much talk that subscribes Life as the proverbial set of chess. Strategy. Human pawns. Which is so incredibly ironic, that is if you do the Chess thing perfect, you will be the only glorious soul remaining. In such a way that we forget that the person beside is a real human with feelings and emotions. Sometimes, it really does slip the mind especially when said person starts throwing around some poppycock nonsense. Thankfully, she was there like a beacon of light. The glow of light, cheesy at times, but warm always. A blessing to have met you, have you around through all this while. :)

thank you so very much!



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