
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Monday, May 09, 2005


Boy it sure feels good to be purposefully busy. I have like a thousand and one things running concurrently in my mind, and I'm so worried that something would slip out! Its all good for now. The pissy mood has gone. Yes, and THAT was due to pms. That mood swinging monster that lurks within.

Anyways, I had a fantastic laugh with one very close friend, that kind of laughter that makes your kidneys jiggle and your liver to do the limbo. Totally over the top, out of point and out of mind topics. I love it! But somehow not everyone likes this kind of crazy talk, so never mind, we do talk normal stuff in front of others, but when its both of us...gee, its almost like two baboons talking in tongues. I really love that special feeling. Finally! At last! Someone who can understand that kinda warp humour. Where have you been all this while man!

After coming back from China, was feeling a little air headed up there. So I went to the library and plonked my arse there for about 6 hrs, just reading random books that caught my eye. Wow..learnt so much, I actually feel very smart now. But no sci-ency stuff though. Its all the lit-ty, social psychology, opera history..all that..feels great. Thats why I dun believe in group studying in the library. Cause to me, the library is a place of relaxation, not a mugging spot. And secondly, I hardly I read a cook book as well. So in theory, I know how to make a mean mozzarella cheese scone.

Called up Stella the other day to congratulate her on her promotion at Citibank. She's a superly nice lady, who always provides Josephine and me butterscorched candies every day without fail. That butterscorched candy is probably one of the reason why I'm so blardy hooked on werthers original now. Josephine was my best mate at Citibank. Though she was a good 7 yrs older, we went shopping together, bitched about THAT GHEE-LALOCK (guy laroche)girl, sat in her bf's Beemer, and fly at ridiculous speed..And of course! Sitting at Fuzion with banana buckaroo, or going to O'Briens, with all the other girls.

But apparently, some people left already. Like Andy, Wilson, Audrey, Jessica, Jeremy, Jason..left. Still in contact with most of them, but somehow, we really have drifted quite a bit. I thought it was a pity in the case of Jo, Stella, Jeremy and Leon. It just strucked me that time really whisks past very fast. Just last year we were going to Louise's wedding, and one and a half year back where we were all crazy at Lola. And also about that time where I was complaining to Peiyu how freaking lucky she was to be under Eugene, ala the Cute One. As in, in terms of management position. That is if you were wondering. Complaining that why she always gets to be in the position, to be more accessible to the cute guys. But hahaz..luckily there was Peiyu, if not..oh man..the lap dance..gee! Ah..exercising selective memory not to remember.

Talking to Stella, Andy and Jeremy just brought back this flood of memories. Turning me to a sap, once again. Miss them so so much. Even the times where Louise asked me to stop cutting the curly dried ends of my hair; an activity that Jo and I found it particularly addictive. Or the times where we couldn't stand Sharon for her GHEE-LARLOCK pronounciation, which prompted Jeremy to make a very sarcastic remark about that, which produced a majorly constipated cum ants-in-the-pants look on Sharon's face, which Jo and me till today, laugh our asses off, which I must say, the look is Priceless. The times where Andy would launch into the ultimate Philosophical stuff, which I totally dun understand, but still attempted to produce a contemplative look. Jeremy's wicked winks, and 1001 excuses not to stay for OT. Even the time when he was at Toni and Guys where he needed to wash somebody's hair and set it, and blah blah, all the hairdressing jargon which I dun understand. I grudgingly obliged, and the experience left me with soapy hair for the whole day, cause Jeremy did not do a good job in washing the soap off! It made me a moody cow that day, but now I look back at it and its rather funny.

I dun even recall what I wanted to say at the start of the blog. Thanks to the goldfish memory that I have. My eyelids are shutting, need to sleep very badly. But wait a minute, fishes dun sleep with their eyes closed right? Oh they dun, so that means my memory is not that bad. I'm launching into crap talk already. Go and sleep.




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