
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Friday, September 09, 2005

A inexplicable interest in making cute little diabetic-inducing teacakes, has driven me to the extent of sourcing cookbooks to find recipes from the no-bake category. The convention oven at home is spoilt, and I dare not point fingers but i'm really half-sure/halr-uncertain that i was the last one who pressed that pre-heat button. Talk about The Midas Touch. bleargh..

Anyways, a trip down to Liberty Mart made me even more confused with those baking terms, jargon..ermm..whatever. From the ounces to the gelatin to the caster sugar to granulated sugar..utterly confused. I din know there was apparently a family clan of sugar to talk about. So in the end I just settled for the Philadehpia cream cheese. Cause according to my friend, that one is a bomb. Who knows..but no harm. Oh this is my virgin attempt at cheesecake making. Cross my toes and hope it'll be fine.

It was really great at french class today, the company, the teacher who makes tongue-in-cheek jibes. The BM 212 class is boring, and its so much a chore having to break up into small groups and discuss. I Dread It. Nothing beats it. gee and nothing even comes close to it. Holey shyte i dun even know the name of the girl in my project group. After 6 weeks..I've been waving to her and smile. If all fails smile and wave, just smile and wave..So it was really constipating when one day she asked me, while i was keying in her number in my handphone. " know my name right? (cause i hesitated a while when pressing the buttons).." Me says," Yep.." And was thinking..."" But that was the fifth week, I couldnt bring myself to say no, so sorry, i dun mean too, but i cant really catch names very fast.

Best thing..theres project tomorrow. Someway somehow, I have to steal that glance at her book, or just anything that will prolly bear some indication to her name. So that be around 12-ish to lesson end, and some 4-ish when project starts..and urgh..listing it out makes it the more mundane.

Anyways, better things to look forward next week. First one up..that snug looking bar at Chijmes that plays de la musique bossa nova, and next up, dinner a le restaurant francais. J'dore mange mais je n'aime etudie pas. Un beau garcon dans classe francais, ll est etudiant a Ntu aussi. J'aime le garcon beaucoup..ll est adore manger le gateaux mais je ne (bake) pas gateaux. hahah..self-amusement with total grammatical inaccuracy...nvm

anyways..A bientot! (burp)


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