
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Time waits no man

Well, so this is it. Just registered for FYP. A blink and two years in uni have almost just flickered. Fast. I still can still vividly recall the first marketing project with wx, sheane, sherwe about a ficticious store called "Sa'chez".. this is really fast. Boys the same age are hooting about ORD-ing in x number of days. Time pasts fast whether or not you are having fun.

Anyways, perception is never never objective. Sometimes its akin to wringing a hundredandone this-or-thats from one incident. Only to be spun round and round by that heck of a dervish. Times like this makes me think that existentialism is perhaps easier than living it up in The State Of Conciousness. But perception is our reality. And everyone is living amongst their own reality. And say things at one time, only to have forgotten to having said that at all. The residue leaves no tinge of the original flavour for it has all gone stale.

We could sell a bottle of emotions and market it under some FMCG. I don't know is it just me or is it meant to be such. But time will not wait for you to think, and to ponder or to mental regurgitate. It is good to surround yourself with people that are worth your love, and just love them with full innocence of the heart. And thats the small sanctified love circle.

On a different note, the pastor did mention sometime back about people who come to church but are contented to rest at that level, and not want to engage actively in church..Can we just have a personal relationship with God and thats it? I dont particularly feel connected to the cell or maybe we arent close enough to communicate at a deeper level without sounding cheesy. Maybe it's that. Cause in church, everybody knows everybody in your family and of course everything has to be pitched at textbooked theories. Of course there are members in cell who are really open about their thoughts, which is good, because someone has to start the ball rolling. It just feels really distant, and almost clinical you know. . It is strange to feel that way. Technically all of us have known each other for quite a number of years, but barely scratched the surface of a person. It is perplexing, perplexing to go to church on sunday like one happy soul singing praises to God and by the end of the service, to realise that there was so many people in fellowship as well. Starting to question the purpose of cell. It is God's intention for us to have fellowship, but my spiritual connection to cell is virtually zilch. Oh Lord, I need direction from You.

On another random note, the need to conform to social propriety is killing the joy out having interesting conversations. It is so refreshing to hear about the weird perceptions that people have. Really it is. It's like wow, you got me there! The more strange it is, the more it is intriguing. Absolutely adore the uninhibited-ness in people. Reminds us every now and then, that it is important not to judge by the cover. This must be the most interesting aspect of socializing. When others start releasing their quirks and idiosyncratic comments, perks it up bigtime. Something like cockroaches drawn to trash. Haha...didn't mean that. I meant bees to honey. We should all let those quirks go full monty and life would really be sooooo much more a tease as compared to now.!


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