
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hey, thanks for all the birthday surprises. It is quite overwhelming, and yes, i didnt see THAT one coming. I had the pictures uploaded to a site called rockyou, or something of the sorts. Got the html code, but blogger is having problems deciphering them. And im tired of refreshing the page for the longest time, so i think i'll try again next time.

Yeap, wow so many things have happened this past month! Mundane ones, out-of-the-blue ones, it happens faster than i can update and by the time i want to update it, the essence of it has evaporated to a mere speck. Can't really feel it anymore.

At this point, or rather the last feeling i was having...was a certain Big-Sigh moment. There are so just so many people who will treat you with that genuine goodness of their heart. And sometimes, it turns out that everyone is bobbing along the same wavelength. And its not about olibgatory comments, or shallow humouring, but you really Feel it. Darn. I didnt actually think about it for quite some time, it was shelved it a corner. And yeah, im sad that there is absolutely nothing now, only some foggy idea to think about. I didnt realise it then, but now i do. Not that im trying to hunt it down again, for what.

And although the happy birthday singing over the phone was ahem, outofkey, but because it was out of key, it made it even sweeter. And then, Friend will insist, ah nonono, i dont mean it to be sweet. Ya, you call at 12 am, sing a song ask me and you the First person. Yes, you are the first singing person. First person unknown number (maybe cause i lost my prev phone), then it was Py, owner of the bday blog. I just love friends like this, they are so shy to admit that they are so sweet. HAHA. i appreciate it can. Hmm, if you dont meant it to be sweet, Ok then what do u what me to think of it. heh.

Thanks everyone. i am feeling happy now.


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