
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Trust is this inate vibe that you get through communication, and the intangible something from inside. Relationships are built on the basis of trust and transparency. Of course there is camaderie. Its pretty amazing how friendships are formed. It might be the most haphazard way, but once that level of trust is established, it forms the bedrock of any relationship. After trust comes camaderie and transparency. The combustion of the three is not usually present in all situations. This makes it really special because it touches something inside, removing elements of pretense and bravado.

With that said, because that feeling is hard to find, it makes close friends even closer to heart. Friends whom seen the best side, the worst side, and still loves all sides. Contrast to a working environment where agendas are in place and every move is a strategy. Not to say all are like that, but its becoming more and more apparent. Being blind to it doesnt make it any more blissful, but on the other hand, awareness of it teases a string of cynicism. Its quite impossible to help with an open heart without feeling as though you had your emotions pickpocketed.

And how else do you know where to open the little window of your heart. It is to give genuine help, not help that is tagged with a list of conditions. Apparently, that is not easy at all. And it keeps me this elusive Trust & Camaderie, where explanations can draw no perimeters. Little wonder why people seek to find the elusive T&C's. What makes you think it is easy to find.


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