
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Just a bit candy-esque

It was such pain to do serious hamster drill, after alternating between sick and lazy times for about three weeks. Serious because if you haven't been moving for three weeks, any form of exercise is going to be really serious. I'm not going to lie and say woohoo i love exercise with a burning passion. Of course not. Burning units-of-energy, more like. Most of the time, it is the tummy jiggle that dictates its necessity. Running aimless in the woods is nice, you get to see some scenary changes. Ain't no woods in Singapore. Running on the treadmill, what i see has been the same for 2 long years. So it gets really boring unless there is boom boom music to psych it up. I don't actually think it is feasible to do decent running with Norah Jones; that will be swimming music.

Anyways, it wasn't easy at all! The first km was breezy, second km, a little more beep-bopping, third km..oh my gosh, struggling! Fourth km, some bulldog face going. Fifth km..jeez louise!! Did I say i am going to run a 21k?! Six km..let's beach up. Six point two km..I Give Up.

Oh by the way, the action party's flags are gone. But we haven't got to see our MP's as yet. Personal take on the elections is that it resembles that of a snow globe. Things get shaken up, wait awhile, everything settles back to status quo. SDP bites the dust. What is has done is, shaken things up. Brought out the public's new found acceptance towards fresh faced politicians. No changing hands of GRCs, but Gomez gets a second hit, and they called up Sylvia Lim and Mister Low for questioning too. First time in very long do we get to see some political dirt on the surface. Makes me wonder what have we missed out on under the carpet.

Anyways, am starting to feel like a bonsai, waiting for attachment to start. Day is very routine, wakeup, go out, come back, read papers, come back, muck around for awhile, sleep. Funnily enough, it still feels pretty cream crackered at the end of the day. Despite not doing much. There is nothing smart and constructive to do. There is nothing smart about going out to makan and lim kopi. Friends have started on their attachments, but mine doesn't start till the 22nd. The boss sent an email to say she will be away for meeting and will only be back 2 weeks later. So its pushed back for 2weeks. And I was stupid enough to think that I got the longer end of the stick. But no, you start late, you jolly well end late. I'm wishing for the days will to pass a little faster, so there is something constructive to do.

Besides that, I picked up a random book at church last week. It is one of those complimentary booklets they have, tucked away in a corner at the worship hall. It looked exactly the way a boring book should look. But in a peculiar way, it caught my eye. In between ushering duties, i managed to take a peek. Thumbed through it, and it just spoke to me deep. The book entire is about faith. Something goes:

"Whenever feeling useless to the Lord, and everything seems so meaningless, yet I can wait calmly, nor murmuring nor losing courage, but asserting on God's sovereignty, believing that he has surely set a timely and ordained plan."

How true, to draw strength from the Lord both in good times and in bad. It is one of those books that builds you up when your faith is weak, and when the days are bleak. Reminds me of the book of Proverbs meets the book of Psalms. It chids, but you get shaken up, and you sit a little straighter the next day.

I think that is so soothing to know that the Big Guy upstairs has meted out a plan, that is best, just for you. It just feels really loved. On another note, I don't feel up to it at all to lead cell. It is this nagging feeling inside that says.."what you? for pete's sake.. you skipped so many sessions of cell!" As a matter of fact, i didn't know what to say when Es made mention to that at last cell. Just wondering is there anyone more appropriate for it.

Sb dearest will be having her baptism come this 27th. She has moved so far in her christian walk. Her baptism will be at Pasir Ris. So proud of her! Isn't it the best way to start a twentyfirst? She is so much a blessing really. For all the mushy mutterings, she will say "i love you!!" and i will say "me too!! and three and four and five!"

Be happy be nice, have faith and everything will be fine.
I hope.


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