
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

yellow yellow dirty fellow

Office was near empty today, almost everyone was away. My days are spent so much in work, shuffling between office and sometimes going out of office with Janice. People who are stuck in the office resemble abit like whitewashed bedsheets, cause we do not see the sun much. Anyways, the company has a strange culture of cc-ing alot of people in the email. So...we got an email today, whom i suspect is sent by emo-admin.

To: whoever it may concern.
cc: alot alot of names.
Subject: please do not leave UNATTENDED bananas in the pantry.
Text: Who has misplaced their rotting bananas please get it from the pantry.

Have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? Ignore the whatever connotation. It sounds as though there is a resident monkey living in the office. unattended bananas?! whats that!


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