
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

why so?

Hah..I'm back here on Blogger. Let off some steam. Began wanting to say something but after typing username and password, i forgotten what exactly i intended to say. Want to talk but dunno what to say. Geez. Anyways, i realised that i have a 7 day week, 5days at work, two days tuition, sounds packed, but there are actually several pockets of time here there. I must say that it is strangely therapeutic talking to transperancy here Why so? Argh, i have 2 hrs to bum before busying later. It's irritating having weird times.

Anyways, according to Nat there are several kids in her school cutting themselves. Actually what is going through their minds as they take on these destructive behaviours. Perplexing.


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