
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It is Funny in a haha way

It is amazing how two people can look SO alike. My jaw headed south. It is a pretty weird feeling. You feel like you know this person and because it bears much resemblance to someone you know; there is the tendency to assume they are a tad bit alike. Ungrounded reasoning of course. Nonetheless it was strange, very strange. I was just staring stupidly and trying hard to stifle my laughter. Even the voice intonations sound the same, quite a dumbfounding day really.

Reminds me of the time in Nj where i was perpetually late everyday. It was just such a gargantuan task having to cope with the pressures of school all that floundering teenage angst and at the same time, balancing extra sleep and making it on the dot for the last bus. Ah, perfect nonsense. Anyways, college starts at 7.45, but the assembly area is waaay at the back. According to my walking pace, i need 8 minutes to skip pass the red track and trudge up the hilly area. Running will take 3minutes, provided if you run fast, and are willing to sweat bullocks for that. Another route will be to go up the stadium and cut through the canteen. That would take 6 minutes. But hell no, you cannot take that route. SharonP will be there to catch any tinge of dyed hair.

There was once i went that way, SharonP assigned me the role of a toilet police and made me go into the female toilet to get this girl out. Because Girl was late and decided to take cover in the toilet cubicle. Methinks that was honestly a really good tactical move, but not before SharonP had already seen her running in. I didn't run in. Not because i was saintly, but because SharonP called my name before I could. And there wasn't another YeeMei around. So i stayed put. The funny thing is, Girl vehemently refuses to come out, i told her SharonP was waiting outside for her, she just kept mum to pretend that nobody was inside. Kept talking to her, to the walls and basins, and sanitary bins and after a while she decided to ask me to tell SharonP that she isn't inside. Wow, that was really smart.

Girl was determined to toilet squat for a bit and run out when the coast is clear. SharonP aint going to do no coast clearing that day. So basically it was shuffling between cubicle and canteen. It was plain ridiculous and i felt really stupid having to do as such at 8 in the morning. Told SharonP that Girl doesn't want to come out, SharonP tells me go in and ask her out, I go in, Girl refuses again. This happened a few times. Well, i just remembered the day ended with wiping the tables in the canteen after school, with Girl and Betsy.

There is this atrium area in college where it hails the names of the President scholars from National Junior College. The first name on the honour roll? Haha..PM Lee Hsien Loong. There is a school motto somewhere around that area too, I can't jog my memory on the exact spot. It reads..NJC's Strategic Thrusts..and below are all the thrusts apparently that we are striving for. It never fails to crack me up. The Lit-ty gritty people from A03 spotted it sometime back and we didn't know why..whyfore NJC, with all the other intellects, did not recognise the inherent sexual connotation to that. there..thrusting all the way.

Oh...i really digressed! Where was I? Oh ya, Route A. The 8 minutes route. So usually the last ditch way is to dump my bag in the hockey corner where all the sticks are, then sprint 100m up a terribly inclined slope. There was this girl who is late 9 out of 10 times, she looked Really like my close friend, QY. QY is incidently my fellow Ncc platoonmate, fellow lower sec classmate all rolled into one squishy tummy roll. And now she's in NTU too! Together with funny Janelle, we used to enjoy stuffing our faces with stuffed crust pizza.

The new girl was really really similar, she's althelic too like QY and she had this wall to her. As in she was cordial, but she was not outwardly friendly. Felt this extremely favourable liking towards her, just because she reminds me of someone close inside, but not in close proximity. So when I see her around in school, I actually try to go around to say hi and chit chat abit. Say hello and all, but cannot remember her name. This incident came to mind because i was on the phone with QY for abit before she hopped on a plane to head to the States. She is such a marshmellow underneath the steely gaze and the occasional lackadaisal attitude. For all that, she is such a strong person, almost fearless. Totally look up to her on that. Strange isn't it, a one off encounter draws so much memories.

There is no exact point that i what to make, but that I just felt strange, in a good way. So okay, let's make that funny then. :)


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