
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

I suppose there's this really thin line between being nice and being compromising. And somehow or the other i think there's a thing in people that wants to push this envelope. Me inclusive of course. It is really skewed to say the least that the very people that ought to be treated nicely are the very people who get walked over, and the people who should be ignored, are the ones who gets people to compromise to them.

Of which I really cant make some sense out of it.

And of late, I have been feeling even more passive. Sometimes i don't even remember how my day got by, it just by its own miraculous ways, floats by itself. So the soul feel detached from the being. Like two seperate entities, together, but not quite, but still, they exist together as a form. Funny. Don't really understand it.

Anyways, kind of in a rut right now, nothing really pisses me, nothing really gets me excited, nothing really makes me happy, nothing really makes me sad. I am just in mood suspension, and I am not complaining. what an oddball situation, feign some emotions, maybe that can convince myself.

How depressing this sounds! But really im not as half as depressed really. Just confusion, translated to the written form. Somehow the essence is not really there, cause boredom sounds like a wonky brain with suicidal tendencies.

Which is exaberated by tomorrow's *bleeping* presentation. Pass me the hammer someone.


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