
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

missy with a piss of a hissy fit!

Fantastic. Plain ol' fantastic. Just screw it up baby! Screw it up!

Dammit. I really hate to be disappointed. And i put in effort into this presentation in turned out to be major bummer. Consolations aplently, when concerned friends asked me how did it go. Really bad! I am so not a perfectionist, ok, terms of schoolwork ya and so when i say bad, take it at 100% face-value, its darn bad. Argh, I get the response. "At least its over". I mean i do know its over but i dun mean that! I mean ARgHhHhH whyfore i couldnt rein in my nerves. It is over and precisely thats why I am bothered cause I cannot do it again.

So the lesson ended and I went into this hissy fit in the....well, okay, in the toilet cubicle. I just went in sulked and did some mute screaming, silent pounding on the walls, kick some random air, actually i was in this kooky frame of mind that made me feel like I wanna empty the sanitary bin, but I shant engage in dirty and inconsiderate behaviour so I gave one more sulky pour, then walked out. You see it wasnt a minor hiccup. I was basically talking to this nice tutorial mate cum cameraman who taped our presentations, only. Because he was nodding to everything I said, and it made me really encouraged.

The constipated feeling, was fully expressed freely and it came forth so au naturel through the words. I was moving like a corpse with stunted joints, in the domo-origato-mister-robarto fashion of a terminator action. Where. By. Yo.u sTArT. tO. TaL.k lIkE. tHIS. and move like i have got some grapes jammed in my butt crack. Dammit.

Its not funny at all to me.then. yo.u. know!


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