
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

It is not a good feeling to have...

When opportunity presents itself, (and you know its a good one) but it is let slipped because one is not ready then.

And i can't find no lucid explanation to justify.


Friday, February 08, 2008

2 Cents

2 cents :

The fountain of youth can be a dearth of something....When youth is on your side, age is working against you. A strange age = ability equation, if you must. It's a tricky situation to get round, to convince a older person to accept a new idea, without coming across as being pushy/arrogant. i got myself in a sticky situation because i guess, vibes gotten off in the wrong manner. Probably it is the generation mindset that younger ones should not "contest" their elders.

Respect is a must but disagreement doesn't necessarily take a piece out of the respect. I think logic shouldn't be compromised just because of experience...but of course the approach taken can be improved. Approach, seems to be more important than the content of the said disagreement.

Academic qualifications. Important, not important...hmm subjective. For people with scanty experience, qualifications is definitely a way to gain speaking rights amongst the more experienced. Thereafter, will be a path of proving a level of competence which (sad to say) can only be escalated by a lot of hard work.

Just my 2 cents on: How to Float Your Basic Idea Across

inflation does no favours to the 2 cents. :(
