Warning..long post ahead!! Personal opinions are something that should stay within the confines of one's mind, unless if someone else requests for it. So really I feel it is disrespectful to the other party if you insist one shoving your own opinion down the throats of others. There is essentially a subtle difference between airing your views and trying to convert the other person's thoughts to be in tandem to yours. That is simply ridiculous. The way everyone perceives the world is unique to that person so how can you ever fully convince the other person to share your views on every single issue? At its best, these views could possibly meet on a tangent only. Oh wells, I had several occassions where a friend has continually questioned the way I think, with regards to my religion. What started as a nice exchange, turned into one that is vaguely confronational, which later metamorphosized to its full glory, one with strong undercurrents of anatogism which were blatantly, but yet subtley suppressed. The oxymoron was by the way, fully intended. So the net effect is one that makes you feel like pulling your hair and wringing the other person's neck. I am not even dissing your views, so I should see no reason why you have the right to comment. Was on the point of just walking off when the friend kept persisting in asking me to keep "an open mind". Hello. If you have already made a decision about something, why should you sit back and continue to re-evaluate the options? It is utterly pompous behaviour to try to force feed your opinion upon me! I do not appreciate this intrusiveness, and yes, I am stubborn as a ass. So basically don't bother telling me your take. Unless it is requested, if not flop your mouth elsewhere. Most of the time, I will stick to my view. It is simply just a matter of personal opinion, personal space, do not trespass. Thats all. Is it that difficult? I mean it is kinda two way traffice yep? I don't poke my nose into your thoughts, and you don't budge into mine. Ah. Anyways, recently I have taken much pleasure at reading some of the Plath poems and Lit stuff that we went through during class in Nj, as well as a 11th century setting of the courts in anceient Japan, by a Western author, who was the first to become a geisha. So I thought her narrative in the novel was really engaging. It is more like a western pespective of that era, with a few lapses into the japanese culture. Really a good read! Hmm.. i guess there is generally more appreciation in the author's work since the whole atmosphere is not one that is academic focused. So I thought that was really quality time spent alone, just pure indulgence to jump headfirst into the lit-ty world. Feels damning-ly good! I feel most in my own skin in that, the emotional experience of it all. Wish i had more time to read though. =) But I am really glad that the rest of the modules I chose to study next sem is all circling business law, which is also really interesting to me! I cant really distinct if this interest is fuelled by the subject by itself, or rather, by default, the sheer dislike for the rest of the mathsy mathsy modules. Which I find (personally), utterly repulsive. If love and hate is a thin line, the world "thin" is honestly, damn damn damn subjective. As far as I am concerned the line seperating the two is infinitely distinct, with me standing happily, clapping my fugly hands on the 'Hate" side, ala gorilla-style. hahaha! Ah..see i am not forcing you to think that maths sucks. Haha..(but really it does!) Oh ya! I had ben in a fantab mood lately, safe except for that pisser-bug who pissifying behaviour pissed the living daylights out of me. Heh..so I asked a male friend, to tell me, biologically speaking, what is the plausible cause to this happy upswing. My bio(-chem) essenced friend tells me happily that it is because my ovaries are going to drop eggs soon, anytime within these few days. Ohh i see, i see. My ovaries are smarter than me! Wow. Unfair leh..thats because there is only one of me and two of them! how can?! So I'm very egg-ed on now! hahaa..Anyways, what proverb does this whole female reproductive system illustrate? come on... think! quick! here goes Do not put all your eggs in one basket! yeahhhh! I have two baskets! makes me a basketcase! hoots! byeeeee! |