
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

last day of 2006

Last day of the year usually triggers off all thoughts of expectancy for the next. This year has been good because the mist shrouding the big picture has eased off; not all but enough for me to see clearer. And really, what is important and what is not. What is fluff, what is second guessing. Its all the things that goes through your mind as you sit on the bus with the surroundings crossing both sides of you, but what matters is the destination.

Maybe along the way you meet nice people. But they will leave, somehow. I have increasing acceptance for this. In a way it i'm more appreciative of everyone because its a gift that they are around, and at the same time bear in mind not to have emotional latches on people all over the place. Its quite a sad realisation, kind of like compartmentalising feelings. Which doesnt come naturally per se. Rather its something you have to use the objective side of things to clamp it to reality.

Basically, i rest in comfort that He has been graceful to me for so far and for many to come. The peripherals that come my way are not within my area of control, I just got to make sure that the reaction to things is in line to what it ought to be. Because i dont know what to trust. In a bit of a sardine situation. haha..I'm wondering is it plain greedy not to be happy about the status quo although everything has been good??

No idea. But yeap, i love all my close friends. I'll make sure i'll treat you even better next yr.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry merry christmas!

It would be nice, very nice to believe that you are able to hold your own. But how this syncs with the cummulative spade of daily events, may well be suspect. Getting bewildered is nothing new, its the varying level of shock that is relative, that makes it relatively new. Its like the kid who decides to play punk in secret, waits to shock you from the turn of a corner. You get caught in a pants-down moment, quickly yank it up and wooo, run with it. The kid is the general environment if you must.

Anyways, of course good things happen too. Which is quite a tease. But then again, whats good/bad now may actually be bad/good in the longer run. Most importantly, is how to pull the the socks up asap. Hee, in this case, its pants.

The cell group people had a good gathering yesterday. Although it vaguely look like a all-cousins- day out. :D Though i would love it to be longer, but hey, shan't be too greedy in my demands.

Today is Christmas. And it feels good. Maybe its the Merry Xmas smses. I guess. Fyi, Little india was flooded yesterday. The crowd was gushing left right and centre. We thought it was a fantastic idea to head there since Orchard will be jam-packed. But it doesnt work this way. Everywhere is packed. Even Mount faber is packed with couples cashing in on 12 midnight to do kissing over Christmas. Hee, i dont think thats a very kids friendly place. Maybe we need to reclaim land. Fast.

Anyways, Christmas does make you feel like a little burnt marshmellow thats gone all soft and wasted. I kind of chuckle at this amusing thought because i cannot explain why! Anyways, I have to quote a reporter from the Newspaper. He has the warped sense of humour where only the recovering marshmellows can testify. Goes something like this..
"When i stroll down Orchard with all the beautiful Christmas decorations..I look up into the sky and i see pretty jewels hanging from the trees. And i think to myself..Gee the wire is so Thin, what if it falls and lands on someone's head?"

OK. Lets not mar this happy mood. So. Have a blessed Christmas! And im off to stab the turkey. Bye!

miss poon

Saturday, December 16, 2006

P-Diddy - I'll Be Missing You

Just yesterday there was dinner with a group of friends from citibank. Some of us havent met for a good 2 yrs. It was strange. 12 hrs holed in the office has made a shy recluse out of me. Watched Project superstar for the 1st time. They really have got nice voices, and i'm pretty surprised that there were so many nice chinese songs! ermm, it's quite a pity though cause i have no idea what the titles are.

Anyways, this song just hit a note with me. Its a cover from the song by Police: Every Breath you take.

Song by Diddy, dedicated to his best friend. I love covers mostly, and because this had a personal message to it, and kicks in the r&b vibe...what is there not to like? :D

Every breath i take...
every move i make..
every single day,
every time i pray,
i'll be missing you...

Friday, December 08, 2006

Justin Timberlake - My Love Video

This song really sticks ah.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Shake the tailfeather, shake off the water

However should you describe a feeling that makes you shake your head and really what is that in words. Yes. The heat of the final year i can feel, most definitely.

For a lack of a better word, i feel pretty un-relatable in words these couple of days. It gets choked somewhere cause again, thoughts are futile in words. Period. I don't know but recently am wary about what i say. Because, really. Say for what?

Now really. WHY should i even bother entertaining those defeatist thoughts, those snide remarks, those times of 2nd guessing, momental bouts of self-doubting. It shows a lack of faith and an insult to self to go round robin time and again...of assuring, to assertive, to questioning, then to assuaging, to 2nd guessing, back to assuring. Tiring in superlative form can!!?

Sound frustrated? For sure. Frustrated about why i let one foamy opinion bother me so much, enough to do a poop to the eager psyche. It is so, so not worth it to let it chew on the confidence. I'm trying to nip this negativity in the bud before it comes and bite me in the butt. :(

But if this aint self sabotaging, i dont know what it is.

So! To many Bottomlines & Topdots...

Do not EVER 2ND guess.


*jacob works it below!* :D

Arctic Edge - Dance, baby, Dance

Jacob's 90seconds of fame. :D

Monday, December 04, 2006

Giving thanks without the turkey

Pretty mad at self at how i wasted much time worrying about useless petty stuff, doing random things..when time could be better spent. And it is startling to think back and wonder why in the world did i think that was important. It is not THAT important. Every step gets tougher from here forth.

Today was Praise and Worship with auntie Catherine and Bev (other one :D) as song leaders, with Eddy's bro at the guitar together with Swee Sian, plus Lydia on the clavinova. It was stingingly touching. The songs just hit on every pore, and arises the goosepimples, and well..maybe it did teased a couple of tear ducts too. At that point, it reconfirmed my Belief in Him and that no matter what, i will keep my eyes on Him. It might be too idealistic for a human whose behaviour and thoughts can be random at times, to proclaim Love to God.

Really. What right do i have to talk to Him about Love. But in my frog-in-well understanding of Love, i said a silent prayer with the eyes struggling to contain those water-from-the-eye...I love you Lord...according to how i think Love is supposed to be. Actually as i'm quite apprehensive whilst typing this. Acute Apprehension directed towards myself about how can i really be a person that glorifies His name. I think THAT is the one of the fearful thing to step out and say, "I'm a follower of Christ and I love Him." Because in general people have higher expectations on how a Christian should conduct himself and i am so, (can i reiterate again) sooo far from that. As it is i am not good at guarding my mouth. And spew vulgarites from time to time. And if the heart is representative of what the mouth speaks, then i really have a long way to go.

It is not easy at all to tell someone else what is it that you are thinking. Verbal communication i suppose, is good at putting facts across, but pretty futile at conveying thoughts/emotions. And when the topic of religion is broached...ah its always the "religious harmony" card that sets to trump the "i-have-an-opinion" card, always. According to civil standards, we should accept all religions because they are a way of life. Something like.."oh you like the Atkins diet, and i like the Grapefruit diet..but its ok..we like our own diets, but anyways, yeah your diet is pretty cool too!" Which i really dont agree. Due to the inherent fear of upstaging social equilibriums, i keep my mouth shut. But it for sure doesnt mean consent. I just dont know how to put it tactfully across.

One of the MOST ironic situation that occured was during a mission trip, i received a sms asking me if i wanted to accompany a friend to a Soka association concert. VERY disturbing, someone was trying to convert me. It couldnt be more strange amidst the backdrop of a church. Well, if this scene entire was acted in mime, maybe i can see the facetious side to it. But back there and then, it was more like black humour.

So i always bargain with Him. "Can i bring friends to church only after i sort myself out and be a better person? Please? :D"

With regards to the sms in question. A wry smile crept up and i hit on the delete button. As usual, the "i-have-no-opinion' card. No voice of dissent, no opinion, no nothing. But i don't know how to put my stand across. Pretty vexed out.

Thats a squidgy behaviour for you. Which really calls for a need to grow a backbone. Or maybe the human Love really does not suffice.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


The Kids Camp is OVER!

Which is a sigh of relief to everyone, especially the organising committee who put in many weekend hours to meticulously mete out the plans. Wow. The late 90s kids are very smart and tech savvy, and definitely more street smart. Its hard to summarize the 4 days. Except that its very fun and most of them are like mexican beans. They just bounce at random times and random places.

Some kids showed maturity way beyond their ages. I was quite floored by some of the things they say. And especially during the last day, it was amazing to see them raise their hands in acceptance. Being around them is the most inhibited feeling. Be dumb, stupid, anything that floats your boat..its super easy to make them laugh. Being the biased person i am, i have a fave kid whose name is Joshua, whose first 6 teeth on the first row have all dropped, save except for 2 big ones. Which makes him look really mousy. He told me this..i think girls and boys are all the same one. but the girls very ee-ree-ta-ting. Its just fun watching him talk, his fluttering eyes rolling up as he pieces the words to put his point across.

Saw this question floating in the forum. Can 'love and bread coexist'? Depends how much love you see in the *white/ciabatta/wholemeal.

One more: Happy Birthday Sam!
*lights candles on the tandoori chick(en?) *
Rarrrr..Sp-sp-Spi-CY! :D