
saccharine sweetness gives me a bigtime mental diabetes.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Questions? Answers, some time later.

It's interesting, the way the word "random" tag is pinned onto events with no plausible explanation. Quite a crude classification. Maybe as time goes along, i can put in the correct folder under the correct tab. So as to have a better Outlook of eveything. You know, like Microsoft. Hmm, that was rather contrived.
The problem is, there are many ad hoc events. Which i totally do not understand, which is pretty understandable, considering the finite capacity of the human mind. What can i say, but say it again? Does little to allay the situation, 'cept that office dynamics and protocol is so new to me. Sometimes i really, really wonder, does prayer get through all the time. Of course, the right answer we all know. It's just a thought, text-articulated.
I pray for guidance, amidst a seemingly prolonged blackout. What is going on??


Thursday, May 24, 2007

What can I do?

The grass, seems greener, if it was looking in from outside. Actually, its just a mirage. Because life is about opportunity costs. And something's got to give. But giving is often at a individual level. It exists, even though not as apparent.

I would rather go easy in some areas. Amazing. I'm at a loss for words, and totally thought drought-ed. bummer.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Right, a Favour, a Need & a Want

A right is something one feel that Life obligates you. A favour is something someone extends in the name of goodwill. Conflict stirs when A feels that B is a personally-assigned angel riding on the horse of obligation. But B feels that no, it aint so, its a one-time favour. Thats. It.

A need is something one requires in order to survive. But then again, some people require clean water, others require a gucci. And so, life-supports come in varied forms. A want is a desire, that one conjures, and results in a smidge of salivation when its air castles come to mind.

What is a right, a favour, a need and a want? Sad to say that quite a significant portion is greed-defined, and it has a pretty insatiable appetite. Quite disturbing really.


Saturday, May 12, 2007


The office dynamics is pretty new to me.

1) You are supposed to know a certain something, yet not suppose to allow that knowing to skew any impression of the person. In that case, i wouldn't want to know. But no, you need to know. what??


2) No such thing as a free lunch.


It's no surprise that S'pore has one of the least % of happy folks around. Mornings in and out, i noticed many have that same look. The look of the absolute expressionless. Just out of a whim, i decided to smile at this stranger lady because she looks friendly enough. Enough to say that when i smiled, she turned her head to look behind her. Hmm, but there's just the tracks behind . She returned the favour. But i cant really figure out was it a half-grimace or was it a facial twitch.

Thats one less reason to take the MRT, one more reason to take 174. And so i did! :D


Thursday, May 03, 2007

The roof garden atop Vivo, is really quite the concrete sanctuary when its not packed. My two favourite spots: One that looks to the oblonged snowman, and the other, right at the last row of the spectator benches. I haven't been there since the Day of the Flagbearer of Stupidity. The place actually turns me off. There was inertia this time, but nonetheless some fears just need to be laid to rest. It's not some thriving wanderlust that made me go seek the devil. But, really because somebody else wants to go, and doesnt know i've some issues with the place. We went and the cool night wasso incongruent to the inside. For a strange reason, i felt really embarrassed by being right there, in the centre of some old-time joke.
The best part is to deal with whatever issues there may be. The dissonence lasted just for a while. The seat at the benches was alright, i'm just so glad that i've no problems with the place again, and thanks to this, not frazzled in face of hidden fears. Fantastic feeling you know! :)