Closet Cheese Puff
I love surprises. Just when you are basking in this state of blissful insouciance, this young punk called Surprise, comes right from behind and then BOO! Scares your knickers out of you. Basket. It takes awhile to fetch that equilibrium back, and place it right back on the shelf. Grr, no more please.
At the end of these thrill rides, i go home feeling like a perfunctory know-nothing. Cause there is so much you think can happen, and sad to say that the train of thoughts does de-rail sometimes. Goodness knows when it comes hither. This feeling, feels very pathetic. And it really goes to show that the Lord is the only form of stability in these madcap updowns.
Right now, i just want to sit at Changi Airport, whine abit, and watch the planes fly off. And i'll picture my thoughts, safely belted up, sitting right there in the plane, and when it lands through the pool of clouds, ah ha! That. Is where i want to be. (cue: misty eye look)
Gosh that was so cheesy. But its because it's raining now, and people get possessed by melodramatic twitches when it starts raining like that. So...i think its ok :) tee hee heee..and dont rain too often :D