Serene Pigeon meets the Cockatoos
The gleeful thought of a job prospect, had me trying to stifle a "heehee" in the head, whilst trying to be realistically objective to think about its possibility. But again, hmm, have can you ever be sure of such. So N was telling me about how in the Real-real-very-real world, the Good jobs are by recommendation and in his own words.."jobs in the papers are as good as gone". Hmm, i don't understand what is his definition of good per se. Good corporate environment? Good pay? Even good colleages is also a form of Good. (but hardly anyone considers relationships as a Good factor of consideration).
Granted that there was a woohoo! confetti moment, but what a senseless thought really, to be happy over something that Has.not.even.happened. Periooooooddd. Anyways, since there is no way to construe what someone else is thinking. I figured, best is to be myself. Is that treading on eggshells to be yourself? Though i don't necessarily believe i had done anything to antagonize a friend, i also don't necessarily believe that it was pure coincidence. So disturbing, and poor Wx had to bear the brunt of me going on and on. And then after going on and on, until im too tongue weary and thought exhausted.
Besides, i had fun with sparklers a couple of days before. The racuous laughter may have woke a few bullfrogs, and Un-pitched a few Tents (woots!);D. East coast is literally different as night and day, as it is in the night and the day. Thats as crude as it gets. Hahaha.. And whether any lucky fish has been stung side-fin by a pirouetting lighted sparkler that flew through the air and skinny dipped into the seawater. I really hope not. Must have fried their (sorry) scales. I'm sorry.
And, singing at the kbox. With all the clutch my tummy guffaws, we probably harvested one set of 3-by-2 pack at the end of 3-point-5 hrs.
But im alittle disturbed why kh can sit down like a Serene Pigeon while we are choking on our own saliva. I don't get it! That guy has no laugh reflex! Why??? Haha..BUT! There is nothing like a GOOOD pair of Jia4 Ying1-s for starters! Which later degenerates to pig squealings. Leo Sayer has it, and we have it too. And boy does it make us Feel Like Dancing.
wx on the other hand has laugh reflexes on the hair on his last pinky. Plug in a few, "Whoah", and "Hey! Now that is what i call a good Jia Ying!" and he totally loses his mojo to a brood of cackling geese. :D
One more thing! To my dear dear friend, wah i love you more after today man. You are like mozarella, the more you heat the more it sticks! (to the heart) :D With many many more to come. I'll call you two times again! both at the Right time! :D
Hmm, graduation will come in about 7 months. I am largely expectant of what there is to come. But first, acc proj, my sole dread, is expecting. You see, the bus takes you to West end. You think you chose the bus, but the bus chooses the route to take you there. Although there is a Real dread for acc, i see it as the mudroad that the bus needs to take to get to West End.
Oh, this theory on the bus-that-takes-me-to-west-end, came from a prose extract from a lit exam at Nj. It was set in the English Suburbia with the protagonist taking a choosing a Bus to take him to West End were he visits an array of shophouses. Like that of a small Pollypocket world illustration of the World at large. So when he reaches West end, he again chooses the shops to go to. The protagonist feels that the world is to his calling as he chooses the place to go and the things to do when he is there. But in fact really, it is the route that the bus takes for him to reach there, so that he can choose.
So the underlying thrust is that we have lesser control in life than there really is--- though im not saying everyone are Marionette Dolls. But ya, you get the drift right? :) So this prose has sticked with me alot since. And whilst i was writing the prac crit to that, i was thinking in my head, wham. Yes, this is it. Way to go. Yes!
Hmm, am i going too off kilter? that was such a honest blog post you know. :) Happy week, so think happy thoughts!