I'm back! And boy does it good to be back in my room, lounging in my butt-printed swivel chair. China's fun. Pleasant. Nice. Eye opener. Updates on that later, together with some pics. It feels so darn good to have alone time finally. In the tour, there's always people around, you gotta make conversation. Its not that I wanna be a sulking outcast, but I need alone time. Its pretty much the reason why I sometimes disappear. Cause I off my hp, and go off msn. I like being absolutely uncontactable. At times. Weird streak aint it. But I'm not superly extroverted, so this helps to regulate a bit. So now, its all comfort in the familiarity of my room. The red sofabed, the treadmill, the com, the pillows with childish prints, and ya..my beloved "pa hei deng" how could I forget that. (bought that with my first paycheck whilst working at citibank, satisfaction!)
Really touched by friends who said they were happy to have me back. Cynical me was thinking izzit all for the sake of being cordial and civil? But honestly, can tell that from the tone of their voices, some of them meant it. I'm realllly very very touched. Theres this warm fuzzy feeling inside. The feeling I get when I've got one werther's original in the mouth. Talk about werthers. Gosh. China apparently has no werthers. No werthers, no coke light, no coffee. I was positively depressed. Hahaz..really! I was so depressed, had to settle for fatty coke. Which is sickeningly sweet.
Anyways, the weather is all dark. The rain puts me in this pensive mood (hahaz..unless it is raining men! cats and dogs dun count), the same mood you get when its a cold night, and you have some bossa nova in the background. Wussy mood in other words. The trip to China brought some stinging emotions that never descended upon before. The simplicity of life of the people there. The untainted part of nature. I really like the innocent part of the simplicity. Was imagining how it would be to be a part of this innocence, but I knew this is really quite an impossibility. Too practical, and jaded, and wary. It just doesnt fit into this picturesque setting.
Through the trip, I was reading this book, which talks about two protaganists lost in their world of the ideal relationship/friendship, but not wanting to meet as it would taint the mystique of it all. So it was like both felt each other's presence, but did not meet. Surprisingly, both derived a comfort in the knowledge of someone who is on the some emotional playing field, being somewhere in the midst of the crowd. Totally could identify with this feeling. The irony about being personal without getting personal is very intriguing to me. It leaves me befuddled as I was thinking about it. Feels so unreal and far from the real face-to-face relationships.
I'm off my rockets once again.
So extremely happy when Sabai and me were discussing about the HK trip we were planning. She mentioned that her friend who knows how to drive, is really familiar with HK. So its all good! And I'm really glad she sounded pretty happy when I told her that I got sunglasses for her. Mum also got her wine from DFS. Hee..Got a sense of satisfaction! Sorry Sb..I know you really wanted Birkenstocks! But China you know la, they have all the birds and stocks but no birkenstocks. Cant find! Luckily Spore here got sale right! You can get the one which you have been gian-ing for the longest time. Ah dot! Got a starfish for you. Go name it Patrick, and i'll Spongebob will come flying to ya.
Im very tired already. Maybe shall blog a wee bit later..