Here after revising some work. Eeeky exams coming, so its kinda straight forward to me. Get down to study, and get over it. Hmm..methinks blogspot is therapeutic, although I can't pinpoint how this morbid feeling comes from where.
Today was the first time i was usher in church, and golly! I had completely no idea that the ushers do work! I presumed its just standing by the door, giving out the church bulletin, thats all. Cause i was un usher in a church wedding once and that was all we had to do, besides opening the door for the bride and throwing some random confetti in the air.
Yep, so there was quite a bit to do, small little stuff here there. Meeting was cancelled, and i have no idea when the next one will be held. After service i talked to Jacob and Jon. It kinda surprises me that Jon is really easy to talk to, cause he usually looks a little quiet and I am also a lazy one. So Jacob was there, so at least its easier. Esther got her license and I sat in her car with Jacob at the back to our aunts place.
I haven been to my aunt's place for so so long. And i haven spoke to my grandma for a decent amount of time, the last time we really sat down and spoke was prolly during the trip to Xiamen. Where my mum and I was having this tiff, and my grandma came to sound me out. Sometimes i do feel that im indeed talking her for granted. But then again, I dunno how to show concern. Start from where?
Sigh. Such a mundane and matter of fact post, i cant stand it. dry as a bone. My eyes are yawning. |